Thursday, September 24, 2009

to east to conform

Why is it that sometimes the most important things about ourselves, are the things that we always just happen to forget to mention? In 2006 me and my boyfriend had already been dating for two months before I told him that I was diabetic. I was diagnosed in August and we met in Septemeber and I somehow managed to keep it hidden for quite a while. Not that he would have ever minded, it was just something that I did'nt feel like making "public". I was 15, and as I'm sure we can all agree, at 15 all you want to do is be like everybody else, and even though I wasn't, I tried like hell to pretend I was. I think that so often, especially as young people, you try so hard to fit in, and then you grow up and all you want to do is be different. Why is this? Who knows.

I think that society makes itself all to easy to conform too. Being like everyone else is an entirely reachable goal. For example, I was on shots for a year before I decided to go on pump therapy. The way I saw it was, with shots I could pull out my little insulin pen and glucometer (aka diabetes) and put "diabetes" in my purse when I didn't need it and be back to my old conforment self. Voila!