Tuesday, December 8, 2009


Here are so common myths that i have gotten from people about Type 1 Diabetes...

1. People with Diabetes can't eat anything with sugar in it.
This is false, type 1 diabetics are allowed to eat sugar, yes we have to be careful with things like soda and sweet tea, but they're are not limitations on sugar intake.
2. Diabetes is caused by eating too much sugar when you're young. This is a funny one, for the record... eating sugar does NOT cause diabetes!
3. Type 1 diabetes is genetic. This is partially true, it is a little bit gentic but not near as heavily gentic as type 2. For example, i have zero family history of type 1 diabetes but i got it.
4. People that have diabetes have to check their blood sugar with finger pricks. I actually am able to check my blood sugar in my arm, not my finger. Although your finger is a more accurate representation of your BG.
5. You have to diet and exercise more than other to control your blood glucose False. Yes, diet and exercise is good for you but since with Type 1 you are insulin dependant, you don't need to exercise to bring you BG levels down.


Gray said...

Knowing some of these myths are false is helpful to understand diabetes better. I was not sure about the finger pricking and how people have to check their levels, so it was useful to know that is not the only way to do it.

Ashley Klein said...

Yes, I didn't know that either. I'm glad technology is making things easier.